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This CD was released in 1997 and was originally an idea or a concept based on 5 friends taking full control and total use of the studios technical possibillities. Legend has it that the group of friends, whom had never played together before, roamed the studio for interesting tools or exciting ways to use them in order to bring forth musical poetry in various ways. As opposed to poetry, the result is clearly one of disarray and chaos. Heavily distorted guitars tuned down to the earths core, drums on heroin, machines, samples and keyboards from above the heavens. Today it would be called "sludge", "drone" or "doom", but back then they just didn't know.
- This office has heard that recording this album was as chaotic as the result: Locked up in a studio with alcohol and drugs for two weeks has a tendency to evoke remarkable emotions. Apparently, the "vocalist" had himself hung up side down with a megaphone strapped to his mouth at one point and one member had left a recording session in the middle of a song and never came back. How they managed to finish the album or what really happened during the recording sessions remains a mystery to this day, but the members never performed any known concerts or released anything again.
- The members of this constellation refused to reveal their identities, so this is the very last evidence that it ever had happened.
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